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Tuesday, October 6, 2009


*During a convo w/ my brother last night, this issue came up about artist and promoters. If I'm telling you as an artist yourself about something you already know, and this ain't a issue/problem that you currently worry about or deal w/...feel free to ignore this post and go on your merry way. I'm not forcing you to read this. But...

I thought I'd address this issue as it pertained to me recently.(an old argument, but still relevant) I'm @ a point now were its not in my best interest to do much free feat. (unless its for a cause) And I don't mean the, "ARTIST FEATURES AND PERFORMS HIS ASS OFF TO PUT MONEY IN YOUR POCKET WHILE HE GETS SHANKED OF ANY REPARATIONS WHETHER HE HAS PRODUCT W/HIM/HER OR NOT" fund. I'm an in the streets artist, not an industry artist! I'm using one of my God given talents in a positive productive way to help/bring my brethren and me closer...I just happen to entertaining the people willing to listen! Come correct. Just ass you'd have any artist come proper @ you about featuring in your spot. This is a F'n recession, that may be a widely used "excuse" but its true!! (As far as other artist are concerned, I'm preaching to the choir here)

Read Taalam Acey's "Excellent Exposure", the actual poem.(cop the book w/same title too though) it talks specifically bout this type of artist/promoter artistic prostitution. I'm just saying....

When dtruth speaks...just listen

-Honest Abe

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