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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Unlocked thoughts of a Prophet's Temple concept & how it will be released

Unlocked thoughts of a Prophet's Temple concept & how it will be released


My book,(Unlocked thoughts of a Prophet's Temple) if you were unaware, will be "unlocked" soon. In parts anyway. I've decided that I'll be releasing my 5 chapter chapbook, for now, with each chapter as separated books themselves. The first one slated to be ready during this winter 2011(February) at the latest. And will be subtitled: "Humble Beginnings". Final preparation is in affect(including cover design and any last minute editing/proof reading as needed). It will be release under publishing company, 2 Pens & Lint. Followed by the other chapters (Which I call each through out the book, "Chambers") 2nd Chamber: Cussing a Curse wit Worse Verse; 3rd Chamber: L.O.L. (Lessons of Love); 4th Chamber: Spoken Soldier and 5th, Final Chamber: Unlocked Thoughts of a Prophets Temple. Those last two Chambers will be release as 1 book together since the last chamber will have nothing else but, the title poem in it.

If your also clueless as to what my book will be about, basically it is, : a look into my trials and tribulations as a said, "Prophet/soothsayer" with affirmations, passages and poems to express them in a creative understanding form. Over almost the past 3 decades and mainly the past half decade of things I went through. So in some aspect you can say its part autobiographical.

Sometime down the line I may/will re-release a revise version of my book as 1 solid book with all "Chambers" included. At a date TBD. There are other books in the works beside this one which you may dig to. But more about that another time. Just know the first of 5 will be out soon. And I look forward to your feedback. Now I know whats probably on you mind too, the question of, "Why not just release the whole book instead of in parts...?" Well, that was the original idea at first. But, It would have taken longer than I'd planned,(not that I was planning to/am rushing it out without thoroughly making sure everything's on point) and didn't have the financial resources to put it out as a full book. Then, after some friendly input to release the project in parts to save money...I was still a lil hesitant, but looked as the best avenue to take. Then thought bout it again, minus it just being a cost effective move. The bulb in my head went off, telling me it would be good marketing to follow this route as well. So from there, I ran with it.

Peace and thank you for listening,

Abraham "Honest Abe" Benjamin

Truth Commission Movement © Copyright 2011

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